re•flect ~ri'flekt~ 1 [trans.] (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it • (of a mirror or shiny surface) show an image of • embody or represent (something) in a faithful or appropriate way 2 [intrans.] (reflect on/upon) think deeply or carefully about

Thursday, October 26, 2006

summer in review

in the corridor between east and west at meyer hall, andrews university
evan and i were playing with cameras and musical instruments late

the dark resurrection scene at passion play, andrews university
it will be supposedly better this year with an improved set

hard at work in the north studio, second semester, final project

back in my dorm room after the final project critique,
relieved and happy as can be

the extent of my handlebar mustache, at home in my room
collegedale, tennessee

my brother, sister, and i spent on challenger point, colorado

backpacking with my fellow indian friend bryce durham
elk mountain range, colorado

my friend emily and i with our new colonist friend
historic williamsburg, virginia

MY christiansen fam minus mom, ryan, erik, and i

my bro's heavy timber-frame house/barn we designed and built together
he is now finishing construction without me


Blogger Christoffer said...

jerry, it looks like you have collected memorable snippets of your life through these photos. i think the mustache is sick. really. i still haven't even seen your brother's house.

5:49 AM


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